Meetings of our trust board are held in public. 

Staff, patients and the public are welcome to attend and ask relevant local healthcare questions during the ‘questions from the public’ part of the meeting. 

The board meetings will take place every other month on the dates listed further down this page, through a combination of in-person and virtual meetings. Meetings scheduled in-person do not have a remote dial in option.

There are times when the board will need to consider agenda items that are confidential and cannot be discussed in public. In these situations, the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960 permits a board of an NHS trust to pass a board resolution at the meeting to exclude the public and members of the media from the meeting.

Attending board meetings

If you would like to dial in to a trust board meeting, please email the group corporate trust secretary giving your name, telephone number and contact details, and we will provide further details. 

If you wish to raise a question, please also send your request to the trust secretary no less than three working days before the scheduled meeting date.

Questions received may be responded to verbally on the day of the meeting, or within a reasonable timeframe following the meeting and published in written form within the subsequent minutes. 

Responses will also be communicated directly to the person who asked the question within the reasonable timeframe agreed, normally within 10 days.

Please note that such questions should be general in nature, as it is not the purpose of this standing item to discuss or address matters relevant to individual patients.

Upcoming board meetings

    • Trust board meeting

      Event date and time: 2 October 2024, 9:00am to 11:00am

      Event Categories:

      • Trust board meetings

      Event description:

      If you would like to dial in to a trust board meeting, please email the group corporate trust secretary giving your name, telephone number and contact details, and we will provide further details.

      If you wish to raise a question, please also send your request to the trust secretary no less than three working days before the scheduled meeting date.

      Questions received may be responded to verbally on the day of the meeting, or within a reasonable timeframe following the meeting and published in written form within the subsequent minutes. 

      Responses will also be communicated directly to the person who asked the question within the reasonable timeframe agreed, normally within 10 days.

      Please note that such questions should be general in nature, as it is not the purpose of this standing item to discuss or address matters relevant to individual patients.

    • Trust board meeting

      Event date and time: 4 December 2024, 9:00am to 11:00am

      Event Categories:

      • Trust board meetings
    • Trust board meeting

      Event date and time: 2 April 2025, 9:00am to 11:00am

      Event Categories:

      • Trust board meetings

Board meeting papers archive

Board papers from 2014-2023 can be found in our archived board papers section.