Across our hospitals, we have teams of people who are there to support you; whether that’s coming to terms with a newly diagnosed condition, helping you cope with being a carer, providing a listening ear, motivating you to make healthy lifestyle changes or ensuring you can effectively communicate with our services whatever your accessibility needs.
In this section, you’ll find the types of advice and support we offer and information on how you can get in touch.
Chaplaincy — spiritual care services
The chaplaincy-spiritual care team is a multi-faith, multi-denominational team who offer spiritual, religious and pastoral care to patients, staff, visitors and volunteers.

Stop smoking support
Stopping smoking can be difficult, but the sooner you quit, the sooner you will notice changes to your physical and mental health.

Interpreting and translation services
We offer an interpreting and translation service, provided by an external company, who use carefully screened and qualified interpreters, offering a strictly confidential service in a wide range of languages.

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centres
Our Macmillan cancer information and support specialists are on hand for anyone affected by cancer, and can offer information on a range of social, practical and financial issues.

Advance care planning and end of life care
Advance care planning involves talking to you and your family and friends about what to expect towards the end of your life.

Caring for carers
We understand the integral role carers play in supporting our patients. The patient-carer relationship is important, and we recognise this improves both the patient’s and carer’s experience of the hospital. It also helps to promote wellbeing and continuity of care.

Maggie's Royal Free
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Maggie’s Royal Free can help by providing free cancer support and information in their centre and online.

Royal Free Charity Support Hub
The Royal Free Charity support hub provides help and information to people with long term health conditions and their carers.