What do I need to do before the appointment?

During this appointment you will have some basic diagnostic tests.

Please arrive at your specified appointment time with a comfortably full bladder so that a urine flow test (known as ‘uroflowmetry’) can be performed before you see the doctor. It is essential that this test is completed by the time of your appointment.

Please inform the clinic nurse when you are ready to pee. If you become uncomfortable from the urge to pee before you are brought into a testing room, please tell a member of staff without delay.

Please also fill in the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM), which ask some questions about your urinary symptoms and sexual function.

What will happen during my appointment?

You will be seen by a doctor to discuss your symptoms. The doctor may need to examine your abdomen, groin and/or genitalia. A digital rectal examination (DRE) or transrectal ultrasound scan (TRUS) may be performed to assess your prostate via the rectum. We will be able to plan your treatment depending on the results of the examination and investigations.