Job title
ICU consultant
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Dr Buckley qualified from University College London Medical School in 1998 and is a consultant in infectious diseases and intensive care medicine.
He has a specialist interest in sepsis and infections on ICU. He is also the departmental lead for High Consequence Infectious Diseases.
GMC number
• Safety of intravenous Anakinra in COVID-19 with evidence of hyperinflammation, a case series. Kristina E N Clark, Oliver Collas, Helen Lachmann, Animesh Singh, Jim Buckley, Sanjay Bhagani. Rheumatology Advances in Practice. 4th August 2020. https://doi.org/10.1093/rap/rkaa040
• Fast and frugal innovations in response to the COVID19 pandemic. Matthew Harris, Yasser Bhatti, Jim Buckley, Dhananjaya Sharma. Nature Medicine 11 May 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0889-1
• COVID-19: This is not fake news! Zudin Puthucheary, Brij Patel, Jim Buckley. ICS Podcasts Apr 2 2020.
• COVID-19. Riaz Aziz, Jim Buckley. Brit J of Anaes Ed Podcast. Apr 2020, Vol 20,
• Use of in situ simulation to evaluate the operational readiness of a high?consequence infectious disease intensive care unit. T. E. Fregene, P. Nadarajah, J. F. Buckley, S. Bigham and V. Nangalia. Anaesthesia 27 Mar 2020.
• Fatal primary dengue-induced haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) in a returning traveller from India. Tanmay Kanitkar, Charlotte Richardson, Anotonia Scobie, Amy Ireson, Animesh Siongh, Michael Jacobs, Jim Buckley, Michael Spiro. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2020 (submitted).
• Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis – The Lethal Cytokine Storm: A Case Report. Luke Flower, Richard Stratton, Animesh Singh, Rachel Westbrook, Jim Buckley. Poster; State of the Art Meeting, Intensive Care Society, 2019.
• Tuberculosis on the Intensive Care Unit. Neha N Passi, Jim Buckley. Brit J of Hosp Med. Vol 79, 3. 2018.
• Drug-induced liver injury from antituberculous treatment: a retrospective study from a large TB centre in the UK. Abbara et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2017; 17(1): 231.
• The efficacy of active case finding of contacts of active tuberculosis at identifying active and latent cases of tuberculosis in a London cohort. Joseph et al. Poster presentation. British Infection Association, 2017.
• Pneumoperitoneum, a urological source. Charlotte Hateley, Joana Alçada, Mirae Park, Nidhi Vaid, Jim Buckley. Lancet, Vol 387, 10015, P284. 2016.
• Factors which influence treatment initiation for pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacterium infection in HIV negative patients; a multicentre observational study. Rawson et al. Respir Med. 2016 Nov;120:101-108.
• A Combined Vascular and Clinical Genetics Approach to Diffuse Aneurysmal Disease. Dr. Anthony Vandersteen,Kelly Jones; Andrew Choong; Natalie Canham; Rebecca Pollitt; Mandy Nesbitt; Douglas Kopcke; Lily Islam; Jim Buckley; Neeti Ghali; Sophie Renton; F Michael Pope. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2015.
• The role of the multidisciplinary team in decision making for vascular graft infection. J Vasc Surg. 2015 Dec;62(6):1686. 7. False-positive Xpert (â) MTB/Rif more than 7 years after cure. Stevenson et al. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015 Oct;19(10):1264-5.
• Microbiological characterisation of prosthetic vascular graft infection. Rawson et al. J Infect. 2015 Sep;71(3):400-2.
• A Multi-centre review of the management of pulmonary Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) in HIV-negative individuals. Timothy Miles Rawson, Aula Abbara, Katharina Kranzert, Andrew Ritchie, J Milburn, T Brown, D Adeboyeku, Jim Buckley, RN Davidson, Laurence John, Onn Min. Kon. Thorax, 70. 2015.
• False-positive Xpert® MTB/RIF more than seven years after cure. Stevenson D., Biswas Jason, Lievesley A., Quinn G., Buckley J., Davidson RN. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Vol 19, 2015.
• A Retrospective Cohort Review of TB in Older Persons at a large TB centre in North West London: Comorbidities, Polypharmacy and Drug Intolerance present challenges to diagnosis and management. Abbara Aula, Sullivan J.A.L., Buell Kevin, Collin Simon, Buckley J., Davidson R.N. Poster. Age & Aging. 2015. Vol 44..
• Recurrent Tuberculosis And Its Risk Factors In The UK's Largest TB Centre. K Avery, Rohma Ghani, J Buckley, R Davidson. Thorax. 2014. Vol 69.
• The need for a validated, pathway for the diagnosis and management of Prosthetic Vascular Graft Infection (PVGI). Timothy Rawson, Ming Lee, Priya Channa, Sophie Renton, Jim Buckley. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014.
• Drug Induced Liver Injury In The Treatment Of Tuberculosis In A Busy Uk Centre. S Chitty, Rohma Ghani, Aula Abbara, J Roe, Harriet Davidson, Matthew Routledge, T. Edwards, Charlotte Hateley, Simon Collin, Andrew Ritchie, J. Dzvova, J. Buckley, R. Davidson. Thorax, vol 69, pg A159, 2014.
• Screening For Tuberculomas In Patients With Miliary Tuberculosis - What Modality Of Imaging Should We Be Using? Rohma Ghani, H. Durkan. J Buckley, R Davidson. Thorax. Vol 69. 2014.
• NEWS implementation increases referral to Outreach. Liz Staveacre, Debbie van der Velden, Katherine Fawcett, Jim Buckley, Ganesh Suntharalingam Journal of Intensive Care Society. Dec 2013.
• Splinter haemorrhages, Osler's nodes, Janeway lesions and Roth spots: the peripheral stigmata of endocarditis. K Sethi, J Buckley, J De Wolff. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2013. Sep;74(9):C139-42.
• Temporal Variation in the Pharmacology of the KATP Channel in an in vivo model of Sepsis J.F. Buckley, L.H.Clapp, M.Singer. Intensive Care Medicine, ESICM, 2006.
• Role of KATP Channels in Sepsis James F Buckley, Mervyn Singer, Lucie H Clapp. Cardiovascular Research, 72(2): 220-230,2006.
• Diminished neutrophil recruitment in Crohn’s disease attenuates the inflammatory response to bacteria in vivo D.J.B. Marks, F.Z. Rahman, J. Buckley, J. Tempero, R. MacAllister, S. Bloom & A.W. Segal. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 36: supplement 1, 1-94, 2006.
• Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on KATPchannel potentiation in vascular smooth muscle J. Buckley, M.Singer, L.H.Clapp. Intensive Care Medicine, 31 (9): S18, 2005.
• Investigation of the actin cytoskeleton in an organ culture sepsis model J.F. Buckley, M.Singer, L.H.Clapp. Intensive Care Medicine, 31(9): S43, 2005.
• The pore-forming subunit of the KATP channel is an important mediator of LPS-induced vascular hyporeactivity in vitro A.J. O’Brien, G. Thakur, J. F. Buckley, M. Singer, L.H. Clapp. Brit J Pharm, 144: 367-375, 2004.
• Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene J. Buckley. Book Review: Clinical intensive Care and Acute Medicine. Hillman & Bishop, Cambridge University Press, 99: 396-398, 2005.
• Multicentric plasma cell variant Castleman’s disease mimicking intrapulmonary malignancy J. Buckley, PJ Shaw, JD Cartledge, RF Miller. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 78: 304-305, 200