Job title
Consultant haematologist
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Dr Jasani is a consultant haematologist with NHS practice at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and University College Hospital London.
He has developed expertise in a wide range of haematology conditions ranging from general haematology to blood cancers.
Dr Jasani treats patients with various blood disorders such as abnormal blood counts eg. anaemia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, polycythemia, thrombocytosis, coagulation disorders eg. thrombosis, bleeding problems, and blood cancers such as lymphoma, leukaemia, myeloma.
He graduated in has been on the GMC specialist register since 2011. Dr Jasani completed his Haematology training at Barts and The London NHS Trust in 2011.
Dr Jasani has special interest in research. He actively participates in various national clinical trials, and he has been a principal investigator for numerous haematology clinical trials.
He enjoys teaching junior doctors and he regularly delivers lectures to junior doctors and GPs.
GMC number
• Joshi, N. M., Hassan, S., Jasani, P., Dixon, S., Cavenagh, J. D., Oakervee, H. E., Smith, M., Agrawal, S. A., Auer, R., de Vos, J., Langmead, L., Rampton, D. S., Gribben, J. G. and Taussig, D. C. (2012), Bile acid malabsorption in patients with graft-versus-host disease of the gastrointestinal tract. British Journal of Haematology, 157: 403–407. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2141.2011.09014.
• Results of a multicentre UK-wide retrospective study evaluating the efficacy of pixantrone in relapsed, refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma. A. Eyre, K.M. Linton, P. Rohman, J. Kothari1, K. Cwynarski, K. Ardeshna, C. Bailey, W.L. Osborne, C. Rowntree, D. Eden, P. Shankara, D.W. Eyre, P. Jasani, A. Chaidos, G. P. Collins, C.S. Hatton ( Br J Haematol. 2016 Jun;173(6):896-904. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14021. Epub 2016 Mar 9).
• PD Jasani, F MacDougall, M Smith, JD Cavenagh, A Lister, DC Taussig, JG Gribben, HE Oakervee. Treatment of Acute myeloid leukaemia in elderly- A retrospective analysis (BSH 2012)
• SS Badle, VM Gadhvi, PD Jasani. Popliteal venous aneurysm – a rare cause of recurrent pulmonary embolism (BSH 2014)
• A Zaidi, S Dasgupta, L Galuszka, D Garvey, J Howard, S Mane, J Shankari, P Jasani. The use of azacitidine in myelodysplasia at Basildon Hospital (BSH 2014)
• KLM White, PD Jasani. Second line treatment for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP): a review of patients with immune thrombocytopenia in Basildon Hospital (BSH 2015)
Research interests include haemato-oncology.