Job title
Consultant respiratory and general physician (service line lead)
Related services
Dr Brill trained at Cambridge and UCL and graduated in 2005. He has worked at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust since 2017.
Dr Brill completed his training in general internal and respiratory medicine in North Central and North West London in 2018. He was awarded his PhD from Imperial College in 2019 (supervised by Professor Jadwiga Wedzicha and Professor John Hurst) which examined the effects of antibiotic therapy on the airway microbiome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Special interests
Dr Brill leads the severe asthma biologics service at the trust and sees asthma patients at the Royal Free Hospital and Barnet Hospital. He is the adult asthma lead for the london respiratory network and is also part of working groups at this trust, North Central London and pan-London aiming to improve prescribing practices and reduce the carbon footprint of inhaler therapies.
Dr Brill is service lead for respiratory medicine at Barnet Hospital and Chase Farm Hospital, and co-lead for pleural medicine at Barnet Hospital. He is part of the general internal / acute medicine on call rota at Barnet Hospital and manages respiratory inpatients on Quince Ward and the enhanced care unit (ECU) on a rotational basis.
He is also co-director of the twice-yearly Barnet Hospital IMPACT (ill medical patients acute care and treatment) course for internal medicine doctors in training and regularly teaches and supervises junior doctors.
- Asthma including severe asthma and biologic therapy
- Pleural disease
- COVID-19
- Carbon footprint of inhaled therapies
- Other respiratory medicine conditions (general respiratory medicine)
- General internal medicine
- Naidu, S. B., et al. The high mental health burden of “Long COVID” and its association with on-going physical and respiratory symptoms in all adults discharged from hospital. Eur Resp J 2021 (in press).
- Mandal, S., et al. ‘Long-COVID’: a cross-sectional study of persisting symptoms, biomarker and imaging abnormalities following hospitalisation for COVID-19. Thorax 2021;76:396-398.
- Rawle, M.J., Bertfield D.L., Brill, S.E. Atypical presentations of COVID-19 in care home residents presenting to secondary care: A UK single centre study. Aging Medicine 2020;3:237-244.
- *Ritchie, A.I., *Brill S.E., et al. Targeted Retreatment of Incompletely Recovered Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations with Ciprofloxacin. A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter, Phase III Clinical Trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020;202(4):549-557. (*joint first-author)
- Martinelli, A.W., et al. COVID-19 and Pneumothorax: A Multicentre Retrospective Case Series. Eur Resp J 2020;56(5):2002697.
- Brill, S.E. et al. COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study with focus on the over-80s and hospital-onset disease. BMC Medicine 2020;18:194.
- Jones, T.P.W., Brown J., Hurst J.R., Vancheeswaran, R., Brill, S.E. COPD exacerbation phenotypes in a real-world five year hospitalisation cohort. Respir Med 2020;167:105979.