Job title
Consultant obstetrician
Contact details
PA/secretary email: estherannan
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Ms Vinita Singh is a consultant obstetrician at Royal Free Hospital, London. She specialises in managing high risk pregnancy.
She has completed her Obstetrics and Gynecology training in London, gaining diverse experience across teaching hospitals such as St George's, University College London, and King's College. Since 2015, she has been a consultant.
Her Area of expertise is Pregnancy with medical Problems like pregnancy with Diabetes, Thyroid disorders, Liver problems, epilepsy and heart problems.
Miss Singh’s aim is to work with women to provide them the holistic care. She has established joint Neurology and Hepatology clinics at Royal free Hospital. She also does the joint Obstetrics Medicine and Joint Diabetes clinic.
In these clinics she works closely with relevant physicians& specialist midwife to provide one stop care to these high-risk women. She has written multiple relevant guidelines.
Miss Singh has wide experience in working with the women of varied cultures, religion, and background.
Her key strengths are women centred care, open communication and having a partnership with the women in their care.
Miss Singh is a member of various national and international societies like RCOG, Obstetrics cardiology society and International society of Obstetrics Medicine.
She is actively involved in education and training of junior doctors. She has been college tutor for obstetrics and gynecology at Royal Free Hospital for five years. She is currently ATSM preceptor for obstetrics medicine for North Central and East London.
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