Job title
Orthopaedics and trauma consultant
Related services
Mr Galea graduated from the University of Malta in 1995 and enrolled on the specialist registrar training programme on the North East Thames rotation in 2000.
During his specialist training, he focused on knee surgery at the Royal Free Hospital and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospitals. Working at the Royal London Hospital gave Mr Galea valuable surgical skills in the treatment of complex lower limb fractures using Illizarov and hybrid frames.
Mr Galea underwent two Fellowship programmes in Sydney, Australia, focusing on computer guided knee replacements, knee ligament reconstruction, meniscal repair, patellofemoral surgery and osteotomies around the knee. He performed research into cruciate ligament reconstruction and bone grafting using different fixation devices.
He has been developing his NHS knee practice at the Royal Free Hospital, London. Mr Galea has set up an enhanced recovery programme for patients undergoing total hip and knee replacements.
Italian (fluently)
GMC number