Job title
Consultant plastic surgeon
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Mr Sabbagh qualified from the University of Aberdeen in 1992 and after completing his basic surgical training in Yorkshire, he became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1996.
He trained in plastic surgery in London rotating between various highly acclaimed units. At the completion of his training in 2002, he was awarded the FRCS(plast) by the Royal College of Surgeons, and admitted to the General Medical Council’s specialist register in plastic surgery.
Mr Sabbagh was appointed as a consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon in 2004 at the internationally reputed Mount Vernon Hospital to develop a national ear reconstruction service, and relocated to the Royal Free Hospital. He has established the Royal Free Hospital as the prime ear reconstructive centre, receiving referrals from all over the UK; presented at numerous national and international meetings; and published a number of articles
GMC number
• Sabbagh W, Masters JRW, Duffy PG, Herbage D, Brown RA The in vitro assessment of a collagen sponge for engineering a urothelial graft British Journal of Urology 1998; 82 (6): 888-894
• Sabbagh W, Withey S, Gault D A simple alternative to ear reconstruction. British Journal of Plastic Surgery. 1999; 52 (1): 80-81
• Sabbagh W, Grobbelaar AO, Clark C, Smith PJ, Harrison DH. Long-term results of digital arthrodesis with the Harrison-Nicolle peg. British Journal of Hand Surgery 2001;26B: 6: 568-571
• Sabbagh W, Shafighian A, Harrison DH Upper lip deficiency in the Moebius Syndrome: A previously unreported feature Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 2003 Dec; 112(7): 1762-7
• Shah R, Sabbagh W, Arnestien P Delayed Photosensitivity Reaction in Scars British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2004 Mar; 57(2): 181-3
• Sabbagh W, Gault D Location Location Location J Laryngol Otol. 2004 Sep; 118(9): 738-40.
• Malluci P, Pacifico M, Sabbagh W The Fascial Glide: An Adjuvant in Abdominoplasty Technique Journal Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery; 2007; 60(8): 929-933.
• Gore SM, Skillman JM, Sabbagh W A Method for Optimising Excision of the Nail Bed Matrix J Hand Surg Eur, Vol 2007 Aug 32(4):450-1
• Uppal R, Chana J, Sabbagh W, Gault D Donor Site Morbidity after Autologous Costal Cartilage Harvest in Ear Reconstruction Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 2008 Jun; 121(6): 1949-55
• O’Toole, Sabbagh W Ear Avulsion J Plast Reconrstr Aesthet Surg. 2009 Jun:846
• Younis I, Gault D, Sabbagh W, Kang NV Patient Satisfaction and aesthetic outcomes after ear reconstruction with a Branemark-type, bone anchored ear prosthesis: A 16 year review J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Oct 63(10): 1650-5
• Adamthwaite J, Sabbagh W Modification of the postauricular fascial flap in Mustardé and Furnas type otoplasty Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Nov;126(5):1786-7
• Pearl RA, Sabbagh W Reconstruction following traumatic partial amputation of the ear Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 2011 Feb; 127(2): 621-9
• Sabbagh W Early Experience in Microtia Reconstruction: the first 100 cases J Plast Reconrstr Aesthet Surg. 2011 Apr; 64(4): 452-8
• Marsh D, Sabbagh W, Gault D Cryptotia correction- The post-auricular transposition flap J Plast Reconrstr Aesthet Surg. 2011Nov; 64(11): 1444-7
• Pearl RA, Sabbagh W Reply: septal cartilage graft for post-traumatic ear reconstruction Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 2011 Dec; 128(6): 775e
• Cox A, Sabbagh W, Gault D Costal or conchal cartilage for aesthetic and structural reconstruction of lower pole ear defects Aesthet Surg J. 2012 Mar,32(3):271-4
Ongoing research in the field of ear reconstruction to improve outcomes.