UPDATE, 23 March 2023: click here to read an update on the opening hours at the Chase Farm Hospital urgent treatment centre.
Opening hours at the Chase Farm Hospital urgent treatment centre (UTC) have changed on a temporary basis from Monday 11 July.
The UTC is now open from 8am to 8.30pm, with patients being booked in until 7.30pm only.
To help better manage the demand for the UTC, and to ensure patients are receiving the right care in the right place, please contact your GP for dressing changes. The UTC is continuing to do first dressings and changing second, complex, dressings or those which have originated from the UTC.
Please do not attend the Chase Farm Hospital UTC after 7.30pm.
If you need urgent medical assistance and your condition isn't life-threatening, please call 111 or (for those aged five and over) visit 111.nhs.uk and they'll advise you what to do. This service is available 24 hours a day.
The change to opening hours is temporary and is due to the increased number of patient attendances, coupled with staff shortages.
Please only visit the UTC if you, or your child, needs medical treatment or advice for a minor illness or injury that isn’t life-threatening.
This could include:
- sprains, strains, and broken bones
- minor burns and scalds
- minor head and eye injuries
- bites and stings
- minor illnesses.
Please remember to treat everyone in our hospitals with kindness and respect as we will not tolerate abusive behaviour.
Opening hours could change from those above in exceptional circumstances.
We hope to be able to revert back to our usual opening hours of 8am to 10pm in the autumn.
Click the links to get more information about our urgent treatment centre services and our emergency departments at the Royal Free Hospital and Barnet Hospital.