After your hysteroscopy 

It is advisable to take it easy for the rest of the day following your hysteroscopy; you may drive and return to work when you feel ready.

We advise that you shower rather than have a bath, avoid public swimming pools, tampons, vaginal douching, and sexual intercourse for a couple of days afterwards, as this may increase the chances of developing an infection.

It is normal to have a few days of bleeding, vaginal discharge, or period like cramps after a hysteroscopy. If needed, you can take pain relief such as 400mg of Ibuprofen every eight hours, one gram of paracetamol every four hours or your usual period pain tablets.

What happens to me next? 

If no problems are found, you may not need any follow-up appointments. If a biopsy has been taken, you will be contacted with the results as soon as they become available. Your healthcare professional will then discuss any further treatment with you.

You need to seek medical advice if you experience any of the following: 

  • Your vaginal discharge becomes offensive.
  • You develop a fever.
  • Your vaginal bleeding becomes heavier than your period.
  • You experience excessive pain.

We have developed this leaflet in collaboration with the North Central and East London Cancer Alliance.

This information is based on the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE) Green-top Guideline No. 59, Best Practice in Outpatient Hysteroscopy, published in March 2011.